Vegan No Bake Chocolate Mint Slice

By Lilian Dikmans


If you love peppermint slice, you have to try this Vegan No Bake Chocolate Mint Slice. It starts with a gluten-free and grain-free chocolate biscuit base, followed by a creamy mint filling and dark chocolate topping. It’s super easy to make with just a NutriBullet blender. Plus I use a secret natural ingredient to get the beautiful green color for the mint filling.

A lot of no bake slice recipes require a high powered food processor to blend the ingredients. Not this one. I sold my heavy duty food processor a while ago when I moved house, so I’ve just been getting by with my NutriBullet blender. If you have ever tried to blend sticky mixtures like bliss balls or protein balls in a blender, you may know that the smaller blades struggles to blend super thick mixtures.

Vegan No Bake Chocolate Mint Slice
The mint slice is also gluten-free and grain-free

However, I found a solution while developing this recipe. First, you blend the dry ingredients, like nuts and coconut, until they start to clump together. Then you simply tip the mixture into a bowl and stir through your sticky sweetener and other liquid ingredients by hand.

Healthy mint slice

The great thing about this mint slice recipe is that it tastes super indulgent but is still pretty healthy. Each piece has 229 Calories or 959 kilojoules and only 4.7 grams of sugar. Not bad for a dessert. You can check out the full nutrition estimate at the end of the recipe below.

Unlike traditional peppermint slice recipes, this healthy mint slice is made with less-processed, nutrient-dense ingredients.

Instead of using wheat flour, white sugar, butter, copha and green food coloring, which are usually found in mint slice ingredients, we make some clever swaps.

Mint slice ingredient swaps

First, we swap the wheat flour with a blend of cashew nuts, coconut and cocoa powder to get a completely gluten-free and grain-free chocolate base. Coconut oil is mixed in so that the base sets firm once cold. Then I use maple syrup to sweeten the base, but brown rice syrup or honey also work.

Second, for the creamy mint filling, we use a combination of cashew nuts that have been soaked in boiling water and coconut oil instead of copha. Copha is a vegetable fat shortening made from hydrogenated coconut oil.

Vegan No Bake Chocolate Mint Slice
The creamy mint filling is flavored with peppermint oil or extract

Using cashew nuts and virgin or extra-virgin coconut oil instead gives us a less-processed alternative. When you soak the cashew nuts, they blend into a creamy paste and the coconut oil helps the mint filling set firm once chilled.

Third, we use baby spinach leaves to color the mint filling green and pure peppermint oil to add the mint flavor. I promise you won’t taste the spinach, it just provides a beautiful minty green color. If you don’t have pure peppermint oil at home, you can use peppermint extract or essence instead.

Ingredients for Vegan No Bake Chocolate Mint Slice

Cashew nuts: Raw and unsalted cashew nuts are best here. We use some of them in the base, and then soak some more to use in the mint filling.

Unsweetened desiccated coconut: Blended into the base and also used in the filling. I buy my coconut from a bulk health food store, since that seems to be the only place where I can find coconut that doesn’t have added sulphites.

Cocoa powder: To provide chocolate flavor in the base. I use regular baking cocoa in this recipe, but you can use raw cacao powder if you prefer.

Coconut oil: Used throughout the slice to help it set firm once chilled.

Maple syrup: To sweeten the slice. Maple syrup is my preferred sweetener for the mint filling since its sweetness cuts through the cashew nuts, coconut oil and coconut cream really nicely. However, I have often used brown rice syrup in the base instead of maple syrup.

Coconut cream: Used in the mint filling to add extra creaminess. For the best texture, you want to use the thick portion of a can of refrigerated coconut cream.

Vegan No Bake Chocolate Mint Slice
A healthy version of classic peppermint slice

Peppermint oil: To provide the mint flavor. If you don’t have pure peppermint oil, you can use peppermint extract or essence instead.

Baby spinach: To color the mint filling green. I promise you won’t taste it. Otherwise feel free to leave it out, which will just mean the filling will be slightly off-white due to the cashew nuts.

Dark chocolate: Used in the chocolate topping. I like to use at least 70% cocoa chocolate to keep the sugar content down. But feel free to use any chocolate you like.

Vanilla extract: Used in the base to add a hint of vanilla sweetness. If you don’t have any at home, you can leave it out and the slice will still taste great.

Fine sea salt: Used in the base to bring out the flavors. I always think a pinch of salt is a good idea with chocolate.

Ingredients for Vegan No Bake Chocolate Mint Slice
Ingredients for the mint slice

More healthy slice recipes

These 4 Ingredient Vegan Peanut Butter Bars are a healthy version of old fashioned chocolate peanut butter bars.

For a caramel slice vibe, this Easy No Bake Vegan Slice has a deliciously creamy vegan caramel filling.

These Easy Baked Oatmeal Breakfast Bars make a quick and healthy breakfast or snack.

You can find all of my bars and slices on the Bar and Slice Recipes page.

Vegan No Bake Chocolate Mint Slice Recipe

18 pieces

Prep time
40 mins

Cook time
1 hour chilling


For the base

  • 3/4 cup / 107g raw cashew nuts
  • 3/4 cup / 70g unsweetened desiccated coconut
  • 3 tbsp / 21g cocoa powder
  • 1/8 tsp fine sea salt
  • 3 tbsp / 45ml / 42g coconut oil, softened
  • 3 tbsp / 45ml / 60g maple syrup
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

For the mint filling

  • 1 cup / 143g raw cashew nuts
  • 8 tsp / 40ml / 30g coconut cream
  • 1/4 cup / 60ml / 54g coconut oil, melted
  • 2 tbsp / 12g unsweetened desiccated coconut
  • 2 tbsp / 30ml / 40g maple syrup
  • 5-15 drops pure peppermint oil (see Note 1)
  • 1/3 cup / 12g baby spinach leaves, for green color

For the topping

  • 3.5oz / 100g dark chocolate
  • 8 tsp / 40ml / 38g coconut oil


  • 1
    Place the cashew nuts for the mint filling in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Allow to soak for 1 hour (see Note 2).
  • 2
    While the cashew nuts are soaking, prepare the base by blending the cashew nuts for the base and the desiccated coconut in a blender until the mixture starts to clump together. Tip the mixture into a bowl add the remaining base ingredients. Stir until well combined (see Note 3).
  • 3
    Line a 10 x 20 cm / 4 x 8 inch loaf tin with baking paper (see Note 4). Tip the base mixture into the tin, pressing it out evenly with the back of a spoon. Set aside in the freezer to chill.
  • 4
    Once the cashew nuts have finished soaking, drain them and place in a blender or food processor with the remaining mint filling ingredients. Blend until smooth. Taste and add more peppermint if desired.
  • 5
    Tip the mint filling onto the base and smooth it out evenly with the back of a spoon. Return to the freezer to chill.
  • 6
    Make the topping by melting the chocolate in the microwave or using a double boiler. Stir in the coconut oil until you get a smooth mixture. Pour the mixture over the mint filling, using the back of a spoon to ensure that it’s evenly covering the slice. Chill in the freezer for 1 hour or until the mint filling is firm and the chocolate topping is set.
  • 7
    Once firm, cut into pieces. You can let the slice sit at room temperature for 10 minutes to soften slightly before cutting.

Recipe Notes

1. Peppermint oil – Make sure your peppermint oil is pure and suitable for ingestion, meaning you can eat it. I use Obbekjaers Pure Peppermint Oil, which doesn’t have that harsh menthol taste that some other brands have. I recommend starting with 5 or 6 drops, then taste once blended and stir in more if you want. I usually end up using 15 drops of the Obbekjaers oil, because I like it quite minty.

Peppermint extract or essence – If you don’t have pure peppermint oil, you can use peppermint extract or essence instead. The strength of different brands can vary, so I recommend starting with 1 teaspoon of extract or essence and then stirring in more as needed to suit your taste.

2. Soaking the nuts – Soaking the cashew nuts in boiling water speeds up the softening process. One hour is best, but I have also made this recipe after only soaking the nuts for 15 minutes when I was in a rush. I just had to add a small splash of water when blending the filling to compensate. Alternatively, you can soak the nuts overnight in the fridge.

3. Blender vs food processor – The method above is how I make this recipe using my NutriBullet blender. I mix in the sticky ingredients by hand, since blenders usually can’t handle thick and sticky mixtures. If you have a high powered food processor, you can blend all base ingredients together at once.

4. Lining your tin – I line my tin with two strips of baking paper that criss-cross when placed in the tin with some overhang. This way, you can easily lift the slice out of the tin once chilled. I also grease the tin with some coconut oil so the baking paper stays in place. You can see what my lined tin looks like in the video above.

5. Storage – Store the slice in an airtight container in the fridge for 2 days, or freeze for up to 2 months. The short storage time in the fridge is due to the canned coconut cream. Once opened, my cans of coconut cream say it only keeps for 2 days in the fridge. The slice freezes really well though, so I freeze what I won’t eat in 2 days and defrost in the fridge overnight as needed.

Nutrition Facts

Serving size: 1 piece (made with 70% cocoa dark chocolate)
Energy: 959kJ (229Cal)
Protein: 3.7g
Total Fat: 19.2g
Saturated Fat: 11.5g
Total Carbohydrate: 11.7g
Sugars: 4.7g
Dietary Fibre: 2.2g
Sodium: 22mg
Potassium: 173mg

Nutrition information is an estimate only. It may vary depending on the brand of ingredients used.

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  1. These are the best Raw Chocolate Mint Slices ever!!!! Absolutely delicious!! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe Lilian! 🙂

  2. Hi Lilian,
    Great recipe! It leaves me craving one of your old cookie recipes which is no longer on the site but I’m dying to make again – from the top of my head I remember it had chia seeds, nut butters, desiccated coconut, rice malt syrup, coconut oil etc. I believe it required a short bake time. It was amazing and I can’t recall the recipe details for the life of me, not sure if it’s one you’d share again? Would be amazing! Thanks

    • Hi Anya, thank you! Sorry the recipe isn’t on the site anymore – was it the Nutty Protein Cookies or the Chocolate Protein Cookies? They had all the ingredients you listed! The Nutty version also had chopped almonds, sunflower seeds and ground flaxseed and the Chocolate version had cashew nuts and raw cacao powder. If either of those sounds familiar, I can post the recipe here in the comments or email it to you 🙂

  3. Worked until I got to the end, I didn’t let it sit enough that when I cut it, the chocolate on top started breaking, so it looks messy but it still tastes good

    • You could certainly use the base mixture to make bliss balls 🙂 The mixture is quite soft when first mixed, so if you were having trouble rolling it into balls, you could let it chill briefly in the fridge to firm up slightly.

  4. This is very yummy. The consistency of the mint filling for me was quite soft and I struggled to cut it cleanly even after chilling it in the freezer.

    • Thanks Charlie, sorry to hear the mint filling was quite soft for you – did it look thick like it does in the recipe video when you spread it onto the slice before chilling?

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Lilian Dikmans

Lilian Dikmans is an Australian model, Muay Thai fighter and founder of Real Food Healthy Body

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